Our school dinners are freshly cooked on site and served in our school hall. We are really lucky as we have two kitchen staff – Joanne, our Kitchen Manager, and Mrs Allard , our kitchen assistant.
We are committed to providing fresh, nutritious and balanced meals. Each meal costs £2.75 from September 2024. Dinners are ordered on MCAS and paid for in advance.
Our children do not have to have hot dinners every day: they can simply choose those that they like the most. We would however encourage everyone to give the meals a try as we often find that children will feel motivated to try different foods or flavours when surrounded by their friends who are eating the same meals. Many of our school staff have school dinners each day – which is testament to the fact that they are tasty and filling.
Each day, Joanne and Mrs Allard provide three different cooked items: main meal choice ‘a’ which is often the meat option; main meal choice ‘b’ which is often the vegetarian option; a jacket potato with different fillings throughout the week. Joanne also gets to know the children very quickly as individuals so will try wherever possible to tailor her meals to their likes and dislikes. Each day, Joanne bakes a homemade pudding option – the peach shortbread and custard, rice pudding and the flapjack are huge hits (and not just with the staff!), but the children can also choose from a piece of fruit or have a yoghurt if they would prefer.
Our children are all provided with fresh drinking water during lunchtime – as well as throughout the day.
If your child decides to bring a packed lunch, then we ask you to encourage them to eat healthily and make ‘balanced choices’. Packed lunches should not have sweets, chocolates/chocolate bars or fizzy drinks. We also ask that you check your child’s packed lunch for any items which may contain nuts as we do have a couple of members of our school community who have a nut allergy so we are a ‘nut free school’.
Joanne and Mrs Allard enjoy being involved with our school as much as possible and always go the extra mile – providing a Christmas party food lunch each year, decorating their serving hatch to fit in with the season, for example the Jacobstow Christmas tunnel complete with lights, a Halloween display, Pudsey biscuits for Children in Need.
School Meals and Nursery Fee Changes
Allergen Matrix – Jacobstow Autumn 24
All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 automatically get free school meals. From Year 3 onwards, children whose parents are in receipt of any of the benefits below are entitled to free school meals.
All parents and guardians are encouraged to apply for free school meals when they enrol their child in school as this can help their child’s school to attract additional ‘pupil premium’ funding to support learning. Please ensure that you register as this attracts additional money to our school which can have a great impact on the children’s learning. You may also qualify for help with costs towards school trips etc. If you do not register, we do not get the extra funding in school.
If you receive any of the following benefits, please register and apply via the Cornwall County Council Free School Meals website which will result in a quicker decision. If your application is successful, please bring proof to the school office such as a screenshot or print out of the result. If you have any questions, please contact the school office.