Making Memories, Nurturing Confidence, Inspiring Ambition for a Bright Future

Our Mission Statement underpins all we do at Jacobstow Community Academy.  We promote mutual respect and understanding between all members of our school community and strive to nurture the self-esteem, achievement and confidence of individuals.

Our school provides an education that delivers opportunities through an enriching, creative curriculum which reflects both our local context and national and global aspects. Staff strive to develop an atmosphere and learning environment filled with inspiration and productivity that buzzes with excitement.  This, we believe, will help our children to make memories, all the whilst remembering that we want our children to ‘know more, remember more and be able to do more’ not only now but in their futures as citizens of Jacobstow, Cornwall and the wider world.
Our dedicated and motivated staff team work alongside our children to develop positive attitudes to learning which will support pupils throughout their futures.  The staff collaborate as a team to ensure that our learning environments are safe, secure and designed to foster and inspire learning.

‘Flourishing Futures’

Our School Aims

To provide an inclusive, ambitious, sequenced curriculum for all that inspires and challenges children, builds upon previous learning and encourages resilient and active learners who develop a love of learning.

Academic Achievements
To support, scaffold and stretch all pupils, helping to raise the attainment of each individual to help them fulfil their potential. We want our children to ‘know more, remember more and be able to do more’.

Community Spirit and Citizenship
To encourage our pupils to become valued, proactive and positive members of our school community, local village and our national and global communities so that they become emotionally literate citizens with a sense of social responsibility and awareness of our world both near and far.

Learning Environments
To create a range of environments – both inside and out, which are inspiring, motivating, child friendly, and which support and enhance learning – offering challenge and support where needed.

Personal Development
To support our children to develop a secure sense of themselves and adopt physically and mentally health lifestyles and attitudes which will prepare them for their lives both now and in the future.  We aim to help our children to develop transferable life skills which are relevant for life as citizens in modern Britain and as part of our wider world.

Cultural Capital
To help to develop the cultural capital of the children in our cohorts, by building opportunities for them to experience a diverse range of cultural opportunities, including: theatre and the arts, music, sport, religious and multi-cultural.  We aim to help bring the far to near, the unknown to known and to build aspirations, tolerance, awareness of diversity and appreciation of equality.

Parents and Community Partnerships
To work in partnership with our parents and wider community members to enable us to enhance children’s learning, broaden their horizons and encourage them to adopt healthy lifestyles, attitudes and ambitions.

Our School Values

At Jacobstow, we promote British Values and the development of well-rounded individuals through our core values.  They are evident throughout all we do in our school.  Using our Space theme, which is demonstrated throughout all aspects of school life, we use the following acronym:

The Jacobstow SPACE to demonstrate what we promote and offer in our school community:

S – Support and Safety –we offer an environment where children can feel safe and supported and know what to do to ask for support or help if they need it.

P – Pride and Protection – we encourage our children to take pride in all they do and to look out for and protect themselves and others by treating others in the way they wish to be treated,

A – Awareness of self and others – we want our children to be aware of their own strengths and talents, their areas to develop and how to look out for themselves, but to also consider the needs and interests of others in our school and those they will meet in their lives, both near and far, now and in the future.

C – Caring and making Choices – we want our children to care about themselves and their peers and take care of themselves and others both near and far.  We want our children to feel empowered to make choices and then to follow these choices through to completion.

E – Equality and Empathy – we encourage our children to treat each other equally and fairly throughout the choices they make and through the way we view differences.  We also work with our children to help them demonstrate empathy for the situation of others – no matter what this may be.

These values form the basis of our assembly programme and complement our RSHE/PSHCE programme of work across the school.