E-Safety & Computing

At Jacobstow, we value the importance of the digital world, online tools and computers and devices as a tool to help open our world up to our children and to help them embrace another way of learning, accessing materials, communicating their knowledge and understanding and working collaboratively.

During Spring and Summer 2021, we invested in our computing hardware by purchasing a suite of 30 Google Chromebooks, 10 ipads and 4 staff laptops.  Staff received in-house training to enable them to use these devices effectively in their teaching and learning. This also enabled them to provide remote learning during the lockdown in January and February 2021.  More recently, our internet infrastructure has been improved through the Rural Gigabit project and the Connect the Classroom schemes, which were both supported by NCI Technologies, our technical support partners.

All children have a log in to this online resource which they can access both at home and school.  Due to the lockdowns and associated absences from school, as well as the need to refresh our ICT hardware capability, we are aware that children will need support to close previous gaps so the long term plan will need to be adjusted by staff as children move through the school.

We use a range of digital tools outside of Purplemash to support children’s awareness and capability within the computing curriculum, for example Kodu, Activ Learn Maths, Beebot Apps and TT Rockstars.

Staying safe online is an increasing challenge in today’s world

We strongly recommend you visit https://www.commonsensemedia.org/game-reviews It is for parents only, giving an in-depth, factual rating and analysis of most games, apps and films, clearly itemising content, levels of language and the kind of content your child might be exposed to whilst playing these games. Don’t forget that almost all online computer games now come with messaging functions built in. This means your child could be chatting online to strangers and coming into contact with content and opinions that are unsuitable or leave them at risk.

Useful Resources

As parents you can support your child in staying safe online by having a quick look at some of these resources listed below. These websites have comprehensive information for parents and children as well as top tips and contact details should you have concerns or need further information.

Don’t forget, you can also talk to our Safeguarding Lead if you have any queries or concerns, or simply would like further information on helping you and your family stay safe online.