At Jacobstow, we all value the opportunity that PE and Sport offers all of our children: allowing them to achieve and shine in areas which are non-academic, to develop talents and skills for their future health and wellbeing and to develop an understanding of team spirit, collaboration, resilience and dealing with winning and losing.
This year, we have used our Sports Premium grant to improve the quality of the PE resources which the school has and to build on more active and positive playtimes. This means the school has plenty of high-quality equipment which can be used for the children’s benefit to develop their fitness and sporting ability not only in PE lessons, but also in club time, playtimes and lunchtimes and for our community to access during the holidays.
In addition to this, we have increased our capacity to deliver sports teaching through staff development and training alongside sports coaches in disciplines such as Tennis and Cricket. We have three members of staff trained to delivery Forest School and Wildtribe activities and have attended the Outdoor Learning course to find out more about the Wildtribe and Outdoor Learning passport.
We will still plan to use sports coaches to allow us to widen the amount of sporting opportunities to which our pupils have access and to further develop the expertise of the staff. We plan for this to continue for as long as the grant is in existence as well as to use a greater amount of the grant in the future to continue to allow for staff development.
Next year, we are also aiming to further develop the role of pupil sports leaders and are supporting them to lead active playtime sessions. The student sports leaders will also be able to help with sporting events and can lead their own clubs at playtime.
We will continue to ensure sustainability by developing a culture of sport within the school where every child has an opportunity to take part in PE lessons, as well as being offered the chance to take part in wider sporting activities and clubs beyond the PE lesson.
2022 – 2023 Sports Premium Funding Report Jacobstow Community Academy SPP Report 2022 2023